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Staying Productive While Working From Home

· Working From Home,Staying Productive,Mentally Healthy,Work From Home Tips,Work Remotely

Working from home is a double-edge sword, you get to stay home, but it can be harder to focus on actually working.

The spread of the novel corona virus affecting everything from international travel to the availability of hand sanitizer, and many companies are mandating or recommending that as many employees as possible work from home until the virus can be slowed.

Plenty of people fantasize about working from home the comfort of their own home, foregoing their commute in favor of more sleep, family or exercise time.

But working from home is a double-edge sword — sure, you get to stay home, but it can be harder to focus on actually working.

Whether it’s a pile of laundry that suddenly looks more appealing than your bosses’ to-do list, or a quick three-hour binge of that one Netflix show you’ve been dying to watch, staying productive at home can take a little extra effort.

How else can you stay focused on the job and mentally healthy while working from home? Here are some tips for working from home

Location, Location, Location

Try to find yourself a dedicated and comfortable spot to work that you can associate with your job and leave when you’re off the clock — that means get off the couch, and definitely out of bed.

Location, location, location

Find a Buddy

You might find it easier to be productive without your most chatty coworkers constantly buzzing in your ear. But social interactions, even with coworkers, can alleviate feelings of isolation and loneliness.

To help fill the socializing gap while working from home, it's the best to find a colleague you can hit up when you’re feeling the need to chat with someone.

Find a buddy

Have a Plan

When working alone, you should keep a more structured daily schedule than usual.

It includes multiple breaks throughout the day, either to play with his dog or take a long walk around the neighbourhood and grab the day’s mail.

Have a plan

Think About How You’re Communicating

Better communication while remote can help maintain your relationship with your colleagues, managers, and direct reports. It’s also important for managers to encourage employees to share their opinions or concerns about a particular project so they don’t feel like they’re being dismissed just because they’re not in the same room.

Better communication

Remember Everyone Works Differently

Managers should remember that not every employee actually wants to work from home, a shift that can be stressful for some. As companies increasingly mandate that many employees must work from home during the corona virus outbreak, it’s key they communicate as much as possible and help employees struggling with the change.

Working differently

So, it's really important to stay productive! and let's team up with me now and be more productive together! Stay tune with us for next posts!